Page name: Akasha's Sanctuary [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-09-04 21:59:23
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Akasha's Sanctuary



The year is 3051, the Milky Way has shattered
and re-pieced himself in a less than organized manner.
The planets have shifted, Earth shattered herself because
of human influence, and each planet and piece float in
space that used to be an organized Universe. Technology
still exists, experts in many things managed to survive.
It's become a very Darwinistic society where you fight for yourself
but there are groups that have formed.

The object of this RP is to survive every obstacle I throw at you. If you would like to state that you are with a certain group that is fine. More than likely the groups will be formed by the beginning RP. I, [Product of a Primal Urge], will have two characters to keep the story moving along. There will be a sort of good versus evil but I will not except Godmodding, not even from me. If someone goes on a killing rampage of the characters without permission their comments will be ignored and eventually erased.

I make the rules, I head the RP, not to sound like a bitch, but what I say, goes.

[Characters and RPers]
*I will add your name and make you're character a link for you to place a profile on*

-copy and use, a picture is always welcome-

[Product of a Primal Urge]: Ellehiem and Gaibrel (to keep the story moving!)

[Molly Louise]: Ashnarox

[AnimeSiren]: Ichijin

[My Own Darc Nightmare]: Eoririn

[Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Lunette and Kazuki

[MadHatress]:  Nandaio

Coven Lands--->the RP thread


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2008-05-22 [Product of a Primal Urge]: Ichi, Molz you two need to do your descriptions. I'm looking for a picture for you Ichi.

2008-05-23 [AnimeSiren]: OKaaay so like Put it on the wiki page that's out link our give it to you?

2008-05-23 [Product of a Primal Urge]: put it on your link doll. i obviuosly didn't password those up but you can.

2008-05-23 [AnimeSiren]: Bio complete.

2008-05-29 [Molly Louise]: sweet..i'll get on that when i can.

2008-05-30 [AnimeSiren]: What are the new covens?

2008-05-30 [Product of a Primal Urge]: idk yet, i'm still working on it, just leave that part blank for now. i might get it done this weekend...then again, might not.

2008-05-31 [AnimeSiren]: lol

2008-06-05 [AnimeSiren]: I updated my page with the new Coven stuff.

2008-07-14 [Product of a Primal Urge]: dudes, sorry I changed it again. I just couldn't make up my mind and what I had seemed too complicated since I'm not on all the time.

2008-07-15 [AnimeSiren]: Wait so is there no covens now?

2008-07-15 [Product of a Primal Urge]: nope. sorry doll, i was just frustrated with it. I'll RP soon and you can now put this up on the page you were going to. I'm set.

2008-07-15 [AnimeSiren]: Put what up on tehh page?
I'll just take the coven thing out shall I? When the Rp starts going.

2008-07-15 [Product of a Primal Urge]: yeah sure. you can put this rp page where ever you said people will look at it. i'll do the rp soon, i just dont have the drive currently.


2008-07-16 [Product of a Primal Urge]: ow...not so motivated now...wait...kakashi? *sex on stick, drools when thinking about him*

2008-07-16 [AnimeSiren]: *iruka blush*

2008-07-16 [Product of a Primal Urge]: yay! *kakashi fuck iruka*

2008-07-16 [AnimeSiren]: *fit of giggles*

2008-07-16 [Product of a Primal Urge]: *laughs*

2008-07-16 [AnimeSiren]: I added Akasha to teh directory

2008-07-16 [Product of a Primal Urge]: cool cool.

2008-07-16 [AnimeSiren]: yuppers......gawds. I'm stresedddd

2008-07-16 [AnimeSiren]: And I updated my page, ck it out

2008-07-16 [Product of a Primal Urge]: why? okay i will. did you know i put a secret comment up on your page?

2008-07-16 [AnimeSiren]: ..wasa secret comment.
To many problems my psychic/therapist says I'm taking in others negative energy

2008-07-16 [Product of a Primal Urge]: theres a place to put seceret comments on other peoples pages. i talked about how kick ass you were.

2008-07-16 [AnimeSiren]: *looks*

2008-07-16 [AnimeSiren]: WHERE????

2008-07-16 [AnimeSiren]: ...*pout* I can't find it.

2008-07-16 [Product of a Primal Urge]: apparently it's really secret. i guess the page owner cant read it!

2008-07-16 [AnimeSiren]: AWWWWWW *petulant whine*

2008-07-18 [Molly Louise]: i feel left out..

2008-07-18 [AnimeSiren]: *HUMONGOUS TACKLE HUG OF DOOM* BUt I LURVE yoU MOLLY!!!!

2008-07-18 [AnimeSiren]: oh, Norecroft when you get on in ten hours. I meant I updated my character profile page, ck it out.

2008-07-25 [Product of a Primal Urge]: Well, don't. We haven't even started RPing. I think that will have to wait until I'm settled in college.

2008-07-25 [AnimeSiren]: ....hmmm?

2008-07-27 [Product of a Primal Urge]: With the Rping, I'm not in an RPing artistic mood. Probably because I've been busy.

2008-07-27 [AnimeSiren]: Okk, it was just a lil direct didn't know what you were talking about.

2008-08-08 [Product of a Primal Urge]: mm kay

2008-08-23 [Product of a Primal Urge]: Aight, I can RP now...when ever you guys get on. I haven't heard from Mollz in a while so...yeah.

2008-08-26 [AnimeSiren]: She's been on myspace so she should be available.
Oi'm all set when you are Cappin!

2008-08-26 [Product of a Primal Urge]: yay!

2008-08-26 [My Own Darc Nightmare]: hey, i'mma join too. I'll put together a character and put it on the page.

2008-08-26 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: May I join?

2008-08-26 [My Own Darc Nightmare]: pm norecroft. she was just on...idk when she'll be back.

2008-08-26 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Okey

2008-08-26 [My Own Darc Nightmare]: she's in the shower, i kinda took her computer! there's a list of creatures you can be on the rp page.

2008-08-26 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: ^^ I see. Ok, I'll go look. Thanks

2008-08-28 [AnimeSiren]: AH Ello nightmare, would you be dear Norcrofts roommate?

2008-08-29 [Product of a Primal Urge]: No he isn't, he was just here visiting. It's Darc, silly. he's back from Boot camp!!

2008-08-29 [My Own Darc Nightmare]: Yeah...I need to put on up...hmm, I'm up, I'll do that now!

2008-08-29 [My Own Darc Nightmare]: we need a password there Norecroft!...Idiot... ^.^

2008-08-29 [AnimeSiren]: heheheeheh juuuuust kidding! Hi Darcy bear!!!!

2008-08-29 [My Own Darc Nightmare]: *looks at you with pursed lips then shakes head, muttering a few curses* Darcy...bear? *breaths in deeply then sighs*

2008-08-29 [Product of a Primal Urge]: Oh, right...*smacks Darc for calling me an idiot* Now there isn't a password, so get your shite up there!

2008-08-30 [AnimeSiren]: I'll call you darcy bear if I want to you bloody wanker. *swats* I might even feel inclined to call you darcy bear bear.
Nory Dory, talk some sense into the boy.

2008-09-01 [My Own Darc Nightmare]: warp, before you get sucked into this too!

2008-09-01 [Product of a Primal Urge]: I'll let you two battle that one out. So, once we've got things posted we can start!

2008-09-02 [AnimeSiren]: All the shite's posted isn't it?
*growls* Darcy, Nory! I wuvvvs yous guys.

2008-09-02 [MadHatress]: I see you're asking for ROleplayers... I'll join if you'd like

2008-09-02 [My Own Darc Nightmare]: I love you too! I'm sure she'd be cool wit it.

2008-09-02 [Product of a Primal Urge]: yeah, ask me about your character and throw up a profile ^.^

2008-09-02 [AnimeSiren]: *dances excitedly* Wesh gotsh rpersh. *woots*

2008-09-03 [My Own Darc Nightmare]: woots indeed! yay for Kip being able to do what I couldn't! and this is why i am the 'joiner' not the 'owner'!

2008-09-03 [MadHatress]: sweet...hopefully I can rp well for you all, lol

2008-09-03 [My Own Darc Nightmare]: haha, i'm sure you're great! idk about ichi tho! Jk totally kidding!

2008-09-03 [AnimeSiren]: You bloody wanker hobag! Let me tare you mangina off.

2008-09-03 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: o.0

2008-09-03 [Product of a Primal Urge]: *laughs* Oh ichi, can't you two just get along? And're the only guy here ^.^

2008-09-03 [Product of a Primal Urge]:


Do not get too far ahead in the RP, if you find the page is between you and one other person, stop!

This RP isn't meant to be fast and there will be situations I'll pause and give you time to think about.

You can talk strategies out on this page. This is supposed to be complex!

If I don't think its working, I'll let you know to go on and just RP like normal. 

2008-09-03 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: *puts up two thumbs*You've got it Boss.

2008-09-03 [My Own Darc Nightmare]: *salutes boss man..woman*

2008-09-03 [MadHatress]: dude...nice, lol I usually RP with all girls anyhow. (easier to be 'graphic')
alrighty, sounds like a plan!

2008-09-04 [Product of a Primal Urge]: haha, I'm sure Darc is okay with everything, he's used to hanging with the girls. ^.^

2008-09-04 [My Own Darc Nightmare]: ...yeah...I'm drowning in a sea of estrogen! hehe, totally kidding. when are you putting up your profile Deg?

2008-09-04 [MadHatress]: oh, yeah I need to do that. I've got to figure out how I'm going to use the pic and stuff....:/

2008-09-05 [AnimeSiren]: Darcy poo we get along rightttt? We always have...hhheheheh.

2008-09-05 [AnimeSiren]: yay Eoririn is an assasin, I think he and Ichijin will get along!

2008-09-05 [My Own Darc Nightmare]: Yay! doesnt he have a kickass name too! *pokes Mefs nose* sure dollface. I love you.

2008-09-05 [Product of a Primal Urge]: okay, looks like everyone is set, you all can rp when you're ready.

2008-09-05 [AnimeSiren]: Yay! Love you too!

2008-09-15 [Product of a Primal Urge]: I should be on a little more this week, ive just been really busy.

2008-09-16 [MadHatress]: it's alright...people have lives.

2008-09-16 [AnimeSiren]: Indeed.

2008-10-07 [AnimeSiren]: *singing* Darcy poo your name rymes with Snarky Poo

2008-10-27 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: *watches all of you, staying silent.*

2008-10-29 [AnimeSiren]: Welp Darcy Poo wont be on, makes me sad *pout*

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